Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does PetBacker Reviews work?
    Owners can leave a review with verified status when a job is completed. Service Providers can also leave reviews for the owner pets.
  • Can I trust the reviews by other owners?
    Please ensure you check for VERIFIED STATUS tag on the reviews by the real owners. Reviews without the verified status are more likely to be friends or jobs done outside for recommendation purposes only.
  • Do you remove service provider with bad reviews?
    We have a safety and trust team to investigate a booking if a 1 star verified review is given to the service provider. The system will also automatically block the provider from responding to new pet owners (they can still respond to their existing customers via private message). We keep the service provider profile listed for a period of time for transparency and awareness purposes so pet owners do not book them on other platforms.
  • Will payment be released to service provider without pet owner review?
    The system will give owners 2 days to leave a review or raise a dispute. Pet owners should note that if no dispute is raised after 2 days the system will consider the job is done fairly and release the money to ensure service providers gets paid for their living expenses. Pet owners can still raise any issue to us after the 2 days period, so we may assist in any investigations and if necessary, suspending the provider's services on the platform temporarily. However pet owners should note that after the 2 day period they have to negotiate directly with the provider for refunds.